Sunday 20 February 2011

Get Me to the Greek

Evi Evane is a Greek restaurant in the Paris area of St Germain / St Sulplice run by two sisters and boasting traditional gastronomic Greek dishes. We fancied something different from the outstanding French restaurants on Rue (such as Chez Fernand) and actually had planned to go to Alfredo Positano but found that it was closed on a Monday night.
Evi Evane has excellent service, while one of the sisters is in the kitchen the other serves customers and was absolutely wonderful - friendly, happy to explain and suggest dishes, and full of smiles. The décor is homely with old stone walls and wooden beams supporting the sagging ceiling. Surrounds which are incredibly fitting with the Latin Quarter and a cuisine which boasts 4000 years of history.

We started with the Pikilia, an assortment of cold starters accompanied by warm pita slices with scatterings of olive oil and herbs. Clockwise from top left: Pureed broad beans with olive oil and capers, Tzatziki (strained yoghurt with cucumbers and dill), Marinated Mushrooms, White Taramasalata (cod roe mixed with olive oil and lemon juice), Aubergine salad, and Dolma (rice, pine nuts and raisins wrapped in a grape leaf) on a bed of Greek yoghurt.

Thereafter I went for the Moussaka: minced beef wrapped in an aubergine parcel, grilled with cheese on top. This was great. Good fresh ingredients and well balanced: not too dry and the sauce inside was the right consistency to not make the aubergines soggy. The cheese on top was not too heavy either and the salsa verde drizzled around the side was the perfect finish.

My fellow diners both opted for pork cocotte with prunes which was fantastic as well. Tender and moist chunks of meat, in a rich sauce sweetened slightly by the prunes served in a traditional copper dish.

Despite our protests that we were too full for desert, out host insisted on us trying some baklava and galatopita, which is a milk pie served with cinnamon sirop. Both were sweet, rich and absolutely delicious. We certainly didn’t regret it and I’ve made a mental note to save space for dessert next time.

This was all washed down with a reasonably priced bottle of red Greek wine which was surprisingly rounded and refreshing. I'm not really sure what I was expecting but certainly not something as smooth and light as that. It was like a good Bourgone and I imagine could be served slightly chilled with a steak tartar or other assorted snacks on a hot day. It just so happened to be a cold monday night in January but never mind, the great service and filling meal were enough to warm us up.

You can read more about the history and concept of Eva Evane, browse menus and view pictures that do their food far better justice than mine at:

Evi Evane
10 Rue Guisarde
Tel 01 43 54 97 86

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