Wednesday 10 October 2012

Borough Market

Overnight Chef is back!

After months of hibernation, I am back with more restaurant reviews, recipes and posts to make your mouths water.

Apologies firstly for the long absence. As some of you may know, we have recently relocated back from Paris to London and the shock of having to leave the culinary capital of the world has, quite frankly, made me lose my appetite.

There probably is not a more appropriate way to get back into the food blogging than with a trip to one of the capital's finest food markets: Borough Market.

We came down here on on Saturday and it was absolutely packed. The first stand to catch my eye was this fantastic mushroom stand. My wife Monika and I are massive shroom fans although they are so expensive in the UK and so few people go to pick their own wild mushrooms.

The rest of the veg section is great and you can really find anything you're looking for here that's in season. It's probably also getting people to cook stuff that is actually in season instead of buying the stuff from supermarkets that are grown year-round in giant Dutch greenhouses.

For lunch we went for roasted topside in a bun and a Borough Burger. So good I forgot to take pictures. Afterwards I found a stand that serves exotic game - kangaroo burgers, ostrich steaks etc - must try it next time!

There's a really good selection of great food to check out here - fresh seafood, large dishes of paella, good butchers, cheese stands and wine collections too

So I picked up some fresh monkfish tails and palourdes from the fishmongers, and cooked it up with fennel and chorizo from a Spanish deli. While I was there I got some Spanish risotto rice as well and cooked it with peas and parsley to serve on the side. Check it out in my next post!

PS: No rabbits were hurt in the production of my latest dish

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